
Friday 12 February 2016

The deadly roller coaster

Every picture tells a story. Use your imagination and experience to narrate (tell) a story about this photo.

Title - What is the title of your story
Orientation - Sets the scene with who, what, where, when.  Captures the reader’s interest.
Problem - What problem or issue disrupts normal life and needs a response from the character(s).
Solution  - How is the problem solved or attempted to be solved.

Use the following table to plan your writing.

The deadly roller coaster
In 2015 there was a boy named Jack and Jill.They went to rainbows end and was riding  on the roller coaster.This one time they went on the fear fall and jack was crying all the way down because it was to high.
The problem was that jack got really hurt when he went on the fear fall.
The solution was that the paramedics came and took him to hospital.
The deadly roller coaster
Have you ever been on the deadly roller coaster?

In 2015 there was a boy named Jack and Jill. They went to rainbows end and was riding  on the roller coaster. This one time they went on the fear fall and jack was crying all the way down because it was to high.

The problem was that jack got really hurt when he went on the fear fall.

The solution was that the paramedics came and took him to hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ideas Iti. You could try and expand your problem and solution and add more detail? From Miss Berry.


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